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Cognitive Vision Training with Vector@ Ball


Cognitive Vision Training with Vector@ Ball

Train Your Eyes, Train Your Brain, Improve Your Game!

Vector® Cognitive Performance

To provide a metric for information processing we created the Vector® cognitive performance quotient. This compares an athlete’s speed with and without information processing elements. This data not only demonstrates information processing delay while executing athletic drills, but also measures improvement as the athlete trains with Vector® Ball.

Example: Throw and catch Vector® Ball against a wall as fast as you can for 60 seconds (number of reps = denominator). Then do the same drill with information processing; when Red – catch with right hand, when Green – left hand, when Blue – both hands (number of correct reps = numerator).

Note: Vector® cognitive performance quotient can also be applied to drills with multi-information elements like working memory etc.


Wall drill:

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Floor drill:

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Shuttle Drill:

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Cognitive Vision Training – with Vector® Ball

Trains Executive Functions Of The Brain To Coordinate With The Body.